Thursday, November 6, 2014

Rome: Day 4 . . . ingathering

Today we opened with the story of James Kofi Annan.  He was trafficked as a child and eventually was rescued.  James' story was particularly powerful in my mind because he shares the idea that the Church, as God's representative on earth, has an incarnational responsibility to care for survivors at all levels of their restoration/healing.  In a story that reminded me of Haiti, he pointed out how some Christians participate overtly in the trafficking process, but he also called attention to the fact that the Church likes to settle for "good enough."  We serve God.  Those whom we serve in His name deserve our absolute best!  For survivors like himself, he envisions a sanctuary of healing, a place of spiritual and emotional restoration, a place for job training or formal education, and a place that nurtures their overpowering will to survive.

That allowed me to share Becca Steven's program.  Many had not heard of it, though that is not surprising given the worldwide scope of this gathering.  James very much liked the idea of healthcare and vocational/educational opportunities, in addition to the sheltering.  Given that her ministry is Episcopal / Anglican informed, this has seemed a rather easy sale!  Praying that the Communion uses her ministry as a foundation for shelters worldwide . . .

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