Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A half dozen join the fray

It has been six days since any member of Congress decided to join the fight against Human Trafficking and 10 full days since any members of the House of Representatives got behind the TVPRA!  Thank you James Moran, Michael Doyle, Steven LaTourette, Hank Johnson Jr., and John Garamendi for lending your support in the fight against slavery and becoming a co-sponsor of the TVPRA.  Not to quibble or anything, those of us engaged in the fight would like to point out that it has been 25 days since the TVPRA expired.  That means law enforcement officials have lost the ability (and hammer) to charge perpetrators with harsher, more deserving crimes and that NGOs who work with victims have lost funding.  How about doing us all a favor and encourage your co-workers to get to work for a minute and pass this bill!  If your Senators are not listed at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:s.1301:# as co-sponsors or your representative is not listed at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:HR02830: as a co-sponsor, please take a moment to contact them and be the voice of those forgotten.

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